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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / 0891c20.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-03  |  147KB  |  451x362  |  8-bit (229 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: LEADING FIXED RATES JN THE 24 LARGEST METRO AREAS Institution Point 30-YEAR MORTGAGES $75,000 Atanta Lihert Mortgage 9.254 3.1 $617.01 404.936. 3250 Battimore Lo.plaFederalS& 9.38 3.13 623.81 301-332 7020 Bostan FitNewEnglndI/trae 9.25 5 2.63 617.01 617-237 7203 Chicago Mid-Anerica Fedaral Savingr 9.38 10 3.00 623.81 708-653-4800 Cloveland ThindFederalS&l 00'6 20 3.00 603.47 216-411-6000 Dallas Capt More Barers 9.38 2.88 623.8 817-923.9696 Denvar Wetomerica Morlgage 9.38 5 2.75 623.8 303-758-2232 Detroit Firt Secunity Saings 9.25 3.50 617.01 313-352-7700 Houston Flet Martgaz 9.25 3.25 617.01 713-623 L0005 Los Angelas EstateMortaage 9.38 10 2.05 623.81 714-R32 3800 Miami First Financal Baston 9.25 3.50 617.01 800-330-5363 Minneapolla Krutsan Mertgage 9.25 617.01 612.593-0236 NCY Yor City Ar ...